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Welcome to Mass Education Teachers Training Institute

Postal Address

Village: Atasura
Tahsi/Taluka: Gobindapur & Benipur
P.O. Maitirhat, P.S. Magrahat
Block- Magrahat-II
Dist. South 24 Parganas
Pin: 743355, West Bengal
Telephone No: 9532180-224075
Mobile: 9831360324/9903493508
E-mail: metti.magrahat@gmail.com
Website: www.masseducationded.org

Name of the Society

Mass Education
Address: N.S.C. Bose Road, Mahamayatala,
P.O. Garia, P.S. Sonarpur
Kolkata- 700084, West Bengal
Tel. No. 03324773791/2010

Nearest Railway Station: Dakshin Barasat (Lakshmikantapur Local) and Magrahat (Diamond Harbour Local) from Sealdah South Section.

Name of the Course: D. El. Ed

Intake: 50

Type of Institution: Private (Co-Ed)

Affiliation: Recognized by NCTE-ERC and affiliated to W.B.B.P.E.

 Click here to open the D. El. Ed Affiliation

D. El. Ed